
Episode 2 Season 2 New Eden

In the latest Star Trek episode named New Eden, the crew of the starship Discovery travel to Terralysium. It's inhabitants were 20th century humans who survived a war centuries earlier. The humans were transported by the Red Angel to this planet in another quadrant of the galaxy. While most of the centuries afterwards were influenced by science and disassociated themselves with religious beliefs, these humans were the opposite. They were deeply religious and found a way to fuse all of the major religions together such that not one religion would dominate.  Just a little history of Star Trek. The creator Gene Roddenberry envisioned a future without religion and was ruled mainly by scientism. During Roddenberry's lifetime, none of the episodes openly discussed Christianity or one particular world religion. It was his view that the future that religion was considered superstitious. Morality would not be governed by sacred text but by a liberal agenda of universal ideals. However,